Bill Weber
From early yesterday morning Dec.31st 1999 and still going strong at 12:30am Jan. 1st 2000 CST has been a fantastic world report of the beginning of the New Millennium in each time zone of the entire planet.
Some apperhension was evident at the beginning, but as more and more of the world came into the year 2000, and nothing of significance developed the people of the world, joined others of the world to put on, one of the greatest demonstration of peaceful existence that this writer has yet seen in his 80 some years.
As I write this the mountain time zone is just getting ready to welcome in the year 2000. I have turned off the TV in order to concentrate on writing this. But if things go as well in the remaining time zones as it has so far in its travels around the world it should be a fantastic show of how the wonders of technology, used not to destroy people, can be used to bring all the world closer together and perhaps in so doing make this a world community.
Last nite as I went for my daily walk, I witnessed one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen. I stood and watch the unfolding of this panorama of light, clouds and wind for fifteen minutes as it played itself out in the western sky. It were as though I was in another world. A world of extreme beauty, it were as thought the vally and surrounding hillside were filled with a soft reddish glow and then there streamed out of the clouds a shaft of light that flooded the valley, seeming to show a beautiful lake in the upper part of the valley, this shaft of light played out for nearly the full fifteen minutes, slowly fading away as the beauty of the sunset diminished. It seemed to fit so well into what occured on CNN TV today. Perhaps a world beauty and love at last.
Today and tonite as I write this, that sunset of the other nite and the events of this day as the new millennum came to our world seem to bring to me a feeling that perhaps this would be a new era in the history of the world. Perhaps with TV and the Internet we can all learn to live, work and play together. That perhaps wars and violence will become the thing of the past and unthinkable in the future.
I am so glad that I made it to the year 2000. I see this next century as one of great strides in technology and medicine. The babies being born to-nite and in the days and years to come will be living in a world even more fantastic then the world that we have lived in. And that to me has been unbelievable in what has occured in these past 100 years.
Because I believe so deeply in the future of this media(Internet) being a cruicial part of the creation of a peaceful world community I have bought myself a WEB Site Domain name at; http://www.cyberspaceadventures.com/
We are in the process of building it now so bear with us. We will contiune this site until that time when we feel that the new site is ready to do the job better than this site.We want to thank the many of you who have visited this site these past nine months of its existence and invite you to stop by and see how our new site is progressing.
December 31 1999
Well tonite a second after Midnite, the year 2000 will be a reality. If we have power tomorrow, I will have a special announcement to put on this page. If no power you won't be reading it anyway. Hope you all had a good New Years Evening.
With less than a week to go before Y2K (Year 2000) the countdown is here. For the last year or so, it seems all one heard was, “Are You Y2K Compliant”
Now as I understood it most of the talk was not about YOU but about the technology that controls a lot of your everyday activities. Are the banks, the utilities, the airplanes, etc. going to be able to function or is everything go to revert to the year 1900?
The hype is now over, there seems to be no panic in the Y2K area, so the government is going around now with this new prediction of an terrorist attack on certain cities, on certain groups and it is all coming from one evil man (Osama bin Laden) out to destroy the United States.
The following is an excerpt from a recent Time Magazine article:
The idea of Americans walking their own streets with trepidation during a season of celebration must please Osama bin Laden, the international terrorist financier who has declared a holy war against the U.S. But that's a price Washington is willing to pay to be safe rather than sorry. There's no need to panic, but public awareness can help thwart bomb attacks -- and the threat is real. (end of Time article quote).
So is that the way WE want to start off the YEAR 2000? With fear and trembling that forces us to stay off our streets, not to go to places we are accustomed, not to fly in public airplanes, not to gather with friends in public places and to be afraid to open packages received by public mail.
The new millennium holds such hope for the future of mankind we must not let a few forecasters of gloom and doom destroy the bright future that lies ahead for all of the world. Sure there are some scary things out there but there have always been scary things out there for those who like to believe in scary things.
Yes, I do think that there will be an attempt to shut down our computer system that controls a lot of activities in our country and other industrialized countries. But I also believe that we, as a nation, have the ability to meet that challenge. There may be a period with out full electric power, it maybe that you can not get money out of your bank account immediately or that the toilets on the 10 floor of the Empire State Bldg will not flush.
This may be due to direct or indirect terrorist attacks. In other words we may be inconvenienced for a few days or weeks in the next couple of weeks to come. But I do not see any wholesale destruction of cities, or people caused by Y2K failure or direct terrorist attacks.
I was ten years old when the stock market crashed in 1929, when a number of people of wealth committed suicide not being able to cope with the events of the time. I lived through those years of depression, where many business and farms went under. I was a young man when Orson Wells, scared the tar out of a lot of people with his “War of the Worlds. Then there was World War 2, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm and recently Yugoslavia. There was food rationing, gas shortages, rioting in the streets. Senator McCarthy's probe on Communist in our Government. Assassination of Pres. Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Impeachment of President Clinton. All of this during my life time. Yet the nation has survieved even to the point in many respects of being stronger because of what has occurred.
So, maybe the lights will go out on New Years Eve and maybe your house will be without heat but if history is any indication, it will be like an old song of days gone by that went, “It Will Only Hurt For a Little While.”
After all just a few days ago, 20,000 or more Venezuelans where killed in a week of floods and mud slides. Not by manmade terrorist bombs but by a common natural disaster. We as a nation hardly blinked an eye, we sent a few dollars in aid. But to my knowledge there was no great outpouring of help or sympathy from most of us. We went about our Christmas shopping as though nothing of real importance occurred.
Sure we must be vigilant, but let us not be held hostage by those who would like to increase their use of power by trying to frighten us in to believing they have our welfare at heart.
Let us make the next century, beginning with Jan 1st 2000 a century when we do not threaten others with our power, so that they do not have any reason to threaten us and maybe we can have a millennium of a thousand years of peace and brotherhood. I am ready for the new Millennium, I may not live long enough to savor its potential, but I sure hope to be there on January 1st 2000.
Bill Weber solar10a@centurytel.net
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